If you are wondering, how to keep mice out of camper? You are not alone. There are a lot of mice ‘deters’ on the market. Some people swear that certain deterrent efforts and ideas were completely effective for them, while others claim they were ineffective.
Could this be a result of variations in the mice between different areas of the country? I’m not allowed to say, and I’m not qualified to research it.
Instead, I’ll go through the majority of the mouse deterrents, including some that are certain-fire and others that are wishy-washy. This way you have a better chance of picking something out. If you want to test out the wishy-washy ones, go right ahead.
How To Keep Mice Out Of Camper?
Here are some ways to keep mice out of the camper
From The Inside, Punch Holes In The Block
It may seem to be simple, but it’s not. This is especially true if you’re looking for an RV storage solution in Long Beach, California.
You’ve got to be able to spot opportunities EVERYWHERE. They won’t be able to get into your living area as a result of this. It will not prevent them from getting into your walls.
If a mouse hole is that big, you aren’t keeping mice out. If their head can pass through, so can their body.
So, in a nutshell, you must SEEK OUT and FILL every space that is bigger than half the diameter of a nickel IN. According to certain experts, a mouse may enter via only a 1/4-inch hole. That’s the bare minimum I’d do on inspection.
Take a close look at the location of pipes and wires as they enter your RV, particularly around the floor.
What Would You Suggest? Expanded Foam Is Ideal
I utilized “Great Stuff” to seal the entry points and holes beneath the booth that allow the water pipes/tubing to flow around the RV.
I linked all of them. If one somehow got in again, I’d have mice (or even rats) out of my booth area.
Wipe off the spray foam gently. It expands considerably beyond what you would expect. Before using it on a real item, test it out on a test item to see how much it grows. You may always remove extra if necessary. This also keeps dust and debris out of the way.
If you want extra protection, use steel wool first and then fill it with foam. It’s claimed that mice can’t chew through steel wool, but I’ve seen them do it.
Still, mice are unlikely to gnaw through spray foam+steel wool without knowing what awaits them on the other side.
Some people claim that spray foam won’t function because the dogs will chew through it.
Yes, they may chew through it in an attempt to get OUT or RETURN IN (as I have seen in someone’s home previously), but if they’ve never heard of it before, they won’t waste their time trying to get through.
Why would they? They have no idea what awaits them on the other side.
You may use a caulking product for the gaps and cracks depending on the positions and sizes of the holes.
Block Holes From The Outside
The system of “fiberglass RV” is a bit more complicated than the term implies. It will depend on what sort of recreational vehicles you are dealing with and how complex it is to repair or maintain them. My travel trailer was rather basic. I have a flat bottom, and there were easily accessible entry points.
You can tell right away where utilities will go with some of my trailers, which have obvious entry points for utilities.
Foam or caulking was used to fill the holes, and/or foil tape was applied. It’s been keeping mice at bay ever since. If there isn’t a way in, rodents won’t be able to get into your RV. The only other entrance they could use is via your door.
A motorhome is a completely different animal. Most of the areas beneath it are inaccessible, providing potential entry points.
This is why I prioritize blocking from the INSIDE when it comes to keeping mice out. If you can discover holes beneath your motorhome, please do so.
If you don’t find anything in there, you’d better search inside every nook and cranny to ensure that mice don’t get into your living area. This means opening each cabinet, access panel, and looking behind/under every piece of furniture.
Tubes Made Of Sheet Metal
At the hardware shop, you may buy thin sheet metal.
You’ll need several pieces of plywood that are large enough to make “circles” or vertical tubes around your jack, levelers, and tires. (It’s best if you’re packing for an extended amount of time or storing the truck.)
These are vertical walls that the mice can’t scale. Make sure they’re at least 8-10 inches tall. 8-10 inches should be enough.
Cleanliness And Food Storage
Mice seek shelter, food, warmth, nesting materials, and safety inside your RV. At the very least, one of those lovely elements – the nourishment – should be removed.
You must keep it clean, y’all. If you leave crumbs behind, feed yourself, have an open trash can, offer them easy access, and so on, you will attract them much quicker.
After your camping excursion, don’t leave food in your RV while it’s being stored. Make sure you remove everything except canned goods from the camper.
Even if it’s kept in a Tupperware container, they can detect the odor and chew their way straight into it.
Even after you’ve packed your camper, they’re still likely to be interested in other items. If at all feasible, leave your camper empty while it’s being stored.
Make sure to get rid of things like toilet paper, paper towels, and other clothes since they love making nests and eating them.
Mice may consume virtually anything.
Before storing, do a COMPLETE clean of all surfaces. Clean your cabinet doors, drawers, floors, shower doors, and bins; anyplace.
This implies that, especially if you have children, you must also clean under cushions, behind pull-out sofas, inside cabinets and nooks and crannies, and any spots where food debris may fall.

Cotton Balls Prepared With Peppermint Oil
This option is useful for preventing new mice from coming into your home, but peppermint oil may help keep current mice away.
Mice are said to be frightened by the scent of peppermint oil. It is praised by some. Others (pest control experts) claim it won’t work.
Another problem is that the oil scent rises. While a room may smell like peppermint to you high up at your nose level, it only smells similar to a cotton ball to a mouse.
Mice are highly adaptable. Because of this, there is no way to completely prevent rodents from entering your RV once they’ve got inside. To make matters worse, once mice have established residence in your RV, there aren’t many mouse repellents that will keep them away from their luxurious new home, nest, and possibly newborns.
The disadvantage of using peppermint oil is that it requires regular maintenance. After a few weeks on the cotton balls, the peppermint scent fades away. Fresh ones must be used in their place.
Final Thoughts
Rodents should generally be kept out of your RV in the first place. To prevent an infestation, take the preventive measures we outlined above.
Rats can be difficult to get rid of once they’ve destroyed havoc on your fifth wheel or other RV, but not if you know-how.
When you’re storing your RV, make sure to close any holes on the inside and outside of it, put away any food supplies like pet food, and clean the surface of EVERYTHING.
This way, if you leave a scent or smell from your RV excursions, it won’t attract the bugs.
If available, use humane traps. Make sure your RV is clean, per the CDC’s guidelines above.