How To Turkey Hunt – Beginner’s Guide

Whether you’re a first-time hunter or an experienced turkey zealot, this guide will teach you how to turkey hunt more effectively. It covers the basics of setting up your hunting spot and using various tactics for each different type of terrain (swampy areas require very Different techniques than open fields!), as well as providing links that provide additional insight into what it takes when facing off against these birds in their natural habitats all around North America!

Spring turkey hunting is an exciting time of year. The birds are feeling frisky and ready to roll, but they don’t know you’re coming for them!

For the last several years I’ve taken my son out on horseback with me as he takes after our shared love – Turkey Hunting in Virginia’s Piedmont Region (home). This spring we had some great success;

We managed three wild ones that were mature enough about 8 pounds which made it one tough fight. So, we had plenty leftover from the dinner table.

Where To Find Them?

Wild turkeys have been known to thrive in an abundance of diverse habitats with ample food and water sources, as well as shelter from harsh weather.

This is due largely because these birds need not only enough space for their immediate needs but also longer-term stability.

Something that can be provided by large trees which provide them cover during storms or even just protection against predators such was the case recently when one bird survived after being shot through his wing despite getting stuck on a fence post for hours while waiting out high wind gusts outside Pittsburgh!

how to turkey hunt

Turkeys like to roost in trees, so it is important for there to be enough tree space. However, aside from these necessary biggish wooded areas, the birds can thrive even if their diet consists mostly on open land with plenty of food and water sources nearby, this includes 10% or less forest coverage percentages depending on how much you want your turkey population denser!

Hunting Public Land

There is an excellent chance to hunt turkeys on public land. Turkey’s population is booming across the United States, and there’s usually plenty of room for these birds when you go out into nature with your friends or family members in search of them!

The best way to find a place where you can hunt turkeys is by consulting your state’s wildlife agency website and searching for public hunting areas.

  • In the Midwest, large tracts of forests are home to impressive numbers of these birds as well! There are plenty more opportunities out west too.
  • BLM (bureaucracy), National Forests, or even state-owned land will offer thousands of acres that we could use if only our government would let us!

How To Turkey Hunt?

A food Plot Would Be Best

In the springtime, when turkeys are desperate for food to provide the energy needed in order to grow strong bones and feathers with ample amounts of protein so they can mate successfully; this lush plot provides optimum habitat.

It’s not just about providing nutrition but also attracts tons of insects which act as key source material for their dietary needs, especially while hatching eggs!

This helps make up what is lacking from other types of vegetation found on most farms where grains typically dominate (think corn). You can use an insect as a trap and get them into your bag!

What Is the Appropriate Time For Hunting

The first part of June is the earliest Maine can legally close their spring turkey season, but it often doesn’t end until after this time. The Deep South states are wrapping up by mid-April and double-checking for hunters willing to go out on a limb with late opening days or early closures depending upon how much snow has fallen recently.

Reality TV shows have made everyone believe that all you need in order does not miss any prime breeding grounds while still getting your fill at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Well, there’s nothing wrong if those dreams come true! It just may take some careful planning before committing yourself to camping trips since most people don’t.

A Great Experience

Turkey hunting can be a great experience, but it’s important to make sure you’re getting your facts straight. Turkey Hunting Nation has collected all the data needed for this year’s quiverful of hopeful hunters by providing not only state-by-state resources.

For instance, regulations and applications (which we know is crucial), as well as information on when each season begins in order to establish whether there will actually BE turkeys where they think some might occur, based solely on their grade!

Hunt In Breeding Season

The Desire for them to breed gives you an advantage. Take advantage of it!

Increased daylight signals the shift towards mating time for those birds, so now might be your chance at getting in on some turkey breeding action – before cooler autumn nights draw these guys back into their feathery nest-building days (or lose out completely).

The male turkeys vocalize earlier during warming trends but this isn’t always enough indication that actual matings have begun; they also do so sometimes right around Thanksgiving or Christmas too!.

Frequent strutting and gobbling synchronize all participants: males seeking partners while females cluck/ Yelp nearby hoping someone will accept. Avail of this chance and check What Is Carrying Capacity In Hunting?

Hunting Tips For The Start Of Season

You can fool an early-season turkey by finding them alone and calling in at the right time, or locating a group without hens. But “henned up” birds are already strutting for numerous female turkeys will often obstruct your attempts to lure one over with distant calls; they have no reason anyway since these males only want one thing: more than likely another bird just like themselves!

There are a few ways you can combat this, but the best option is to

  • Hunt and fire up your boss hen. She might come to investigate what’s calling out-of-the-ordinary for her kind (turkeys aren’t usually Territory owners),
  • This could bring other group members with her including gobbler(s) we want! It doesn’t happen every time; however when it does…. Wowza!!

The next consistent strategy would be patterning unpressured birds before an opening day by looking at their daily movements weeks beforehand. Also, if you are a woman check Top 6 Best Women’s Hunting Boots

After Season Tips

The hunt for a big game bird can be even more memorable in the late season. You might find that some hens have already started nesting and there could even be poults with their parents as they breed later than other females do!

Younger ones running around after older males may still challenge you though; these eager gobblers sometimes commit too early into calling so we recommend looking out if your area has any active nests or offspring waiting to graduate from being “gobbler’ s children”. Also, make sure to check the best fanny pack that will help you with hunting.