12 Tips To Prepare For Your Summer Camping

Although most people prefer summer camping in the warmer months of spring and fall, summer camping may be just as exciting if you prepare appropriately. Summer camping allows for swimming and other water activities, which is excellent. We have put up the following summer camping suggestions to make your summer family vacation more enjoyable and memorable for everyone.

12 Tips To Prepare For Summer Camping

summer camping

1. Test Drive Your Tent

Taking your tent out of the bag and practicing setting it up in your yard before its big debut is the most aggravating thing imaginable. It’s even worse if you go all the way to your campground, spend the day hiking and adventuring, and then struggle and race the setting sun to set up a tent that you are unfamiliar with. Take your tent out of the packaging and practice putting it up in your backyard before you use it for real!

2. Keep Your Gear Organized

Many experts advise keeping your outdoor gear and supplies in the same location. This is true while on trips, but it’s especially important at home. Take a look at the fire department or military for proof. It’s critical to their operations for them to identify each storage container or bag, so do it when you get back home.

When your camping gear is in order, you’ll be less likely to forget important summer survival items such as sunblock and bug spray.

3. Pack Lots Of Water

Whatever the season, having a lot of water on hand is a no-brainer. You’ll need it to quench your thirst, cook food, and clean yourself. Dehydration is more likely in the hotter months of summer when taking part in sports such as swimming where you might not even be aware that you are dehydrated. Packing larger jugs to carry around the smaller bottles and campsites for day-to-day excursions is likewise a smart idea. In an emergency, electrolyte solutions like these can be quickly combined in water bottles for adults and children.

4. Camp Close To Home

If you’re new to camping, go somewhere near your house. We’re not suggesting you give up on your camping trip and flee back to the comfort of your home when the first problem crops upon it. However, it’s nice to have a getaway within reach if your entire plan goes sideways. When you arrive at a broken camping trip in a bad mood, driving for hours afterward only adds to the misery and might deter new campers from attempting again.

5. Wear Clothing That Protects From The Sun

Like a tarp, clothing layered on top of one another will protect you from the wind. Dressing in layers isn’t just a suggestion. When you’re subjected to a wide range of climates and situations, it’s essential.

6. Be prepared For Rain

In arid regions, it may be 100-F during the day and drop to half that temperature at night. It’s best to be prepared. Layering is also more pleasant and simpler, as only one layer must be washed if you get one item soiled. With layers, drying time is reduced, and you can get dressed in a hurry and back into your kayak or vehicle.

The rain might come violently in the spring, and if you’re tent camping, thunder and lightning could put an end to your fun immediately. A little shower, on the other hand, does not have to ruin your trip. Carry extra tarps with you. They are cost-effective, lightweight, and multipurpose. One might be suspended over your camping tent for an added layer of protection from the rain. They can also protect your camping equipment and firewood from becoming soaked. If it rains when you’re away from camp, bring extra trash bags to use as personal ponchos.

7. Check Out The Campground Map

When looking for campsite reservations, keep an eye on the map. We suggest selecting a camping site that is near to a restroom but not adjacent to it! It’s also beneficial to know where popular outdoor recreations areas are in relation To your chosen campsite, as well as ranger stations and other useful locations.

8. Bring A Satellite GPS Messenger

Hiking may be a leisurely pastime, but it can quickly become dangerous if you run out of water or get lost. Every year, hundreds of adventurers go missing. Some never return. True survivalists don’t take chances and always carry a satellite GPS messenger with them to detect any traps or danger. They allow you to share GPS coordinates, document your adventures, contact emergency services, and check in with family or friends all by pushing a single button.

9. The Sunscreen

It’s easy to overlook something as basic as sunscreen when camping in densely wooded areas, but it is critical for the enjoyment of everyone in your family. If you’ve ever had to calm a sunburned infant or missed out on a fun activity due to your own sunburn, you know exactly what we’re talking about. Wear sunscreen and reapply it after swimming to avoid sunburn. For further sun protection, use a ballcap with the added bonus of preventing ticks from falling into your hair.

10. Plan For Downtime

Even if your selected campsite offers more amenities than an amusement park, you can expect to spend some time alone. Personally, I can’t think of anything less appealing than attempting to cool off and unwind while our youngsters scream about how bored they are. Make up a scavenger hunt for older children or bring board games, cards, or even puzzles if necessary.

11. Be Aware Of Fire Safety Warnings

With humans responsible for 85 percent of wildland fires, the danger of igniting the next big, deadly blaze is too great not to heed fire warnings. Always pay attention to fire notifications, check the fire level with your campground host/online, and obtain the necessary permits in advance. If you find that your next vacation is being ruined by a limitation, consider what Ranger Troy W. did and look for alternative campfire options.

12. Modify Your First-Aid Kit

Packing this is necessary while camping with the family, but you should make modifications to it to cater to summer-specific injury risks. In the summer, sunburns, insect bites, and coming into contact with poisonous plants are more likely. If you forget anything important, be sure to pack it. Here are a few items that should be in your basic first-aid kit: cooling gel, anti-itch cream, and calamine lotion. To treat insect stings and burns, consider taking anti-inflammatory painkillers.

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