In this article, we share some tips on “how to level a camper?”. RVs are popular because they allow you to go and camp nearly everywhere, whether it’s on a campsite or in the wild, with the added benefit of convenience. Because you may go anywhere, however, you might wind up on even ground. When that happens, it’s critical to learn how to level an RV.
Why Should Your RV Be Leveled?
You could be tempted to skip RV leveling since you won’t get much use out of it, but it’s critical to make the most of your mobile home or travel trailer. A rickety RV can make even the most basic of tasks a pain, and objects are more than likely to fall off tables or counters (unpleasant when you want to sit down and eat). If you have a lightweight RV, it may be difficult to get enough rest.
Apart from the comfy aspect, an uneven RV may cause some appliance issues. Refrigerators, in particular, have an absorption rate that doesn’t work uphill and can stall out when positioned at a slant—particularly older versions. If you don’t want your food to go bad (or the chance of an expensive repair bill), your RV will need to be leveled.
Furthermore, if your RV is not level, water tank sensors will be off. Keeping your RV level is useful since you’ll want to know how much water you have at your disposal (especially when full-timing and camping off the grid).
How To Level A Camper?
Leveling both motorhomes and travel trailers are similar, but there are some distinctions since a motorhome is a single unit on its own, whereas you’ll most likely disconnect your travel trailer from your car while leveling it. Whether you’re traveling alone or with a large group, you’ll need a bubble level and blocks to support your wheels. Overall, models will vary—a class A motorhome demands a different approach than a travel trailer.
To begin, let’s go through how to level a camper in detail!
Leveling a Motorhome (Class B or C RV)
After you’ve found a space and double-checked that you’re parking your RV with the front wheels on the downhill side of the slope, you’ll want to make sure it’s level. Place your bubble level on a countertop, floor, or table in the home sector, and attempt to measure it as near to the center as possible for a more accurate reading.
Both the height left to right and front to back must be measured simultaneously with a motorhome. You may in some cases only raise one corner onto blocks to level your RV. Once you’ve determined how much off balance you are, you may focus on putting up your blocks and then driving your RV onto them before rechecking the balance.
Some ideas to where to add blocks:
- If you’re only off on the front to back balance, you’ll need to pull up both ends of the front or rear (preferably the latter)
- If you’re just off on the left-to-right balance, you’ll have to raise both right-side or left-side wheels, whichever is lower.
- If you’re off on both front-back and left-right balance, you might be able to change the wheel that is low on both measures.
Leveling a Travel Trailer (Towable RVs)
While you may generally complete a motorhome’s levelness in one fell swoop, towable RVs need you to go through the process in stages. The key difference is that you’ll now begin by assessing your left-right balance rather than immediately determining if you need to shift things around.
If you need to shift left-right, you’ll want to set up your blocks. It’s typically easier to push the travel trailer ahead of the blocks and onto them, but if that’s true for you, don’t be afraid to back up until it is. After you’ve made sure that you’re okay left to right, place your wheel chocks on both sides of each tire. You must do this before unhitching your RV; otherwise, it will most likely roll away.
You may take the front-back level readings after you’ve placed your travel trailer on the blocks. You won’t have to roll your RV onto blocks to get balance; rather, you’ll lower the fifth-wheel landing jack or A-frame onto them.
After that, you may reduce your stabilizers to make sure they’re equal pressure. You may extend your slide-outs at this time and begin setting up the rest of your site!
Using the Auto Leveling System
If your RV has an auto-leveling system, you don’t have to worry about as many variables of RV leveling since the system will take care of it. When you’re done parking, simply press the auto-leveling button, and everything will adjust as necessary. The instructions in your RV owner’s handbook will tell you how to proceed and whether or not you need to extend the sides out.
If you don’t want to worry about leveling your RV on your own, be sure to check for this option when purchasing RVs.

Best Practices for Camping on a Budget
When it comes to effective leveling, some guidelines can help you make the process go more smoothly:
Park as close to level as possible
The more evenly you get started, the less effort it will take to get everything in place—as well as the sooner you may relax and enjoy your camping trip.
Park with the front end of the RV facing downward
If you’re in the park and your rear wheels are on the ground, they will lock. You want to keep them on the ground because your rear wheels are the ones that lock. If the RV’s front end is at the bottom of a hill, you’ll be able to lift them as you level
Always use blocks or jack pads
Using these items will help your jacks from sinking into the ground and protect your parking pad from harm. If the weather is hot enough, your jacks can also sink into the asphalt.
Avoid icy and slick surfaces
Slippery surfaces are prone to causing your RV jacks to shift out of position, regardless of how evenly you level your vehicle. This arrangement will be bad for your equilibrium (and the life span of your jacks). Avoid these regions as much as feasible.
Always follow your manufacturer recommendations
RV manufacturers provide us with owner’s manuals so that we may properly care for our travel trailers and motor homes, so take advantage of them! We’ve outlined a typical approach to leveling an RV, but the contents of your owner’s manual are always preferred. When hiring an RV, be sure to inquire about best practices as well.